

Project 1:

For the first exercise, I decided to code a piece by Frank Stella entitled “Harran II.” I am fascinated by Stella’s work and not just because of the obvious name relation.This piece inspired me because of both the abstraction elements but also in the precision and detail. I thought that this work could push and inspire me throughout the exercise and I am happy to report that it did. I feel like I have come out of this assignment with a grasp on problem-solving in code and working through hard challenges. One of the challenges with this piece was the precision of placement necessary to create a positive outcome. Because the stroke of the lines is so thick, and strokes getting larger half in and half out of the shape, adjustment to the overall design was needed, and making small changes was tedious. I feel as if when my skills get stronger as a coder there could be better ways to solve this problem but the ways of thinking and effort this issue took were greatly beneficial for my learning process in coding.This is one of my first times ever coding something and I am pleased with the outcome!

Project 2:

For my project this week I wanted to use the words night and day.I represented this difference with lights in windows, streetlights, the moon growing and shrinking in size, and the sky color.I also added in rain for more of a weather shift. I decided a small cityscape would be a good way to show this shift with enough variables and places to have a decent change from night to day. I think something that could take this project even further would be to work with Boolean and true and false variables. Being able to click on the windows and turn off and on the lights would add a really fun interactive element.

Project 3:

For my brush, I was inspired by the start of workshop 3 and decided to add on to what I worked on it in class. I liked the idea of adding randomness to something that could also be manipulated. This was important to me when messing with the size variable. I liked the idea of being able to change the side of the brush but I didn't want it to be super easy to do. I wanted the brush to be malleable in a random way. I decided to add an eraser/ black brush in order to add some simplicity to the brightly colored workspace. I like that there are lots of choices with these brushes, but also a lot of the choice is up to the random variable in the code. It shows that the artist is working with the code to make something together.

Project 4:

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Project 5:

For my project, I wanted to create little characters that would change shape when clicked on. I wanted there to be a reverse button, which is the “uh oh”, and a button that changes the pages to just eyes.When hovering over the circle, you will see it change to the color theme of the page, which lets the viewer know to click on it. I was excited to bring in drawing with other platforms and use code not to create the art itself, but to elevate it.

Project 6:

For my code this week, I created a game called: A vegetarian nightmare... get rid of the pepperoni. The game has pepperoni bouncing around inside of the code and the background is pizza. Use the hand to make the pepperoni smaller and smaller every time they are touched. Once they get small enough, they will disappear and you will gain a point. The game is timed, so you have 20 seconds to get rid of as many pepperonis as possible. I wanted to add humor to my code this week and play with the idea of something being so bad... its good.

Project 7:

For my exercise 7, I made a random generator for some glamorous hands. The hands can be randomly generated by clicking the mouse, which will add random categories such as hand color, arm decoration, nail design, and background color.To mess with each category individually, press keys 1,2,3 or 4. This will rotate through the category. I really wanted to play in my own style with characters, and color.

Final Project:

In the brilliant words of Kodak Black, “And I'm on metamorphosis, you just a regular dude” This art piece is named after his song Codeine Dreaming. In the piece, I have represented alien-like figures and body parts as they change variables and attributes based on clicking. The random aspects of it add to the insanity. To view the piece, first enter through the enter button. Attributes can be changed with the click of a mouse, and screens can be changed by clicking on numbers 1-6. To exit, press the x in the bottom left corner of any page. This visual journey is meant to be campy and colorful.