Family Trinkets

The object I chose to model for this project was this little guy in my family’s bathroom. For my whole life, my dad has found and kept little trinkets, but he especially has a liking to things with faces. He likes to create things, find things, or add on to them and fill the house with liveliness. This particular guy has been one of my favorites, especially as a kid. I would hang out with him when I was younger while washing my hands and brushing my teeth. 

I decided to take him because of these reasons and because I thought creating more of an organic shape in Fusion360 would be a fun challenge. I had never worked in 3D software before, so this definitely was a huge learning experience filled with tutorials and trial and error. 

I found the timeline in Fusion360 to be one of the more complicated elements, and moving from the normal workspace to the sketch and sculpt ones is something that was confusing and frustrating. I think my workflow was not always the most correct or simple, but in the end, with help from my groupmates I figured it out. 

It was super exciting in the end to create something that has so much history, but makes it in a different space. I feel like I have come full circle with this object, from childhood to recreating it in college. I am reminded of days of quarantine brushing my teeth and washing my hands, paying close attention to every aspect of my home bored out of my mind, but always happy to see the little trinkets such as this all around my home. 

This project allowed for creativity in the process while simplicity in the assignment and object. It allowed me to learn and better navigate a 3D workspace while thinking about how an object will print, and look in comparison to the old one. I am excited to give the 3d printed object to my dad and add another trinket with a face to his collection. 


Childhood Methodology


Krispy Konfederate Kebab